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We are happy to announce that Wildz has added IFrame support for mobile devices. Essentially, IFrame is a container in which a game will run allowing Wildz to now display certain casino features that were previously unavailable to mobile users when the game was being played in full screen. While mobile games will still display in full screen, this now gives us the ability to display other elements to our customers.
When playing at Wildz Casino on a mobile device, the following features are now available when your game is in full screen:
This gives Wildz greater flexibility going forward on what sort of content or screens we can make available to customers using their mobile device. Whether it be real-time rewards, campaign messaging, or even dual-play support, this lays the groundwork for all sorts of creative possibilities.
As always, we welcome comments and suggestions on how we can make IFrame, and any other aspect of Wildz Casino, a better gaming experience for you. Should you desire to leave feedback, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected].
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